Soya Milk Longan Pudding - 3 ingredients 龙眼豆腐布丁
The cooking series is finally here! Well, the very first recipe is super quick and easy I promise. Only 3 ingredients are needed. It is definitely the best dessert for hot weather. To add on, why spend money to purchase dessert at tong shui shop when you can make it yourself 😋
Soymilk 1L
Agar-agar powder 2 teaspoon
Longan 1 tin

1. Add agar-agar powder into soymilk and boil over low to medium heat, stir constantly.
2. Bring just to a boil and turn off the heat.
3. Filter the mixture (to make it smoother) before pouring into containers. Pour slowly to prevent bubbles formation.
*You can skim off the bubbles on the surface. Ignore this step if you don't really mind 😂
4. Allow it to cool and keep refrigerated until it is set (about 1 hour).
5. Add longan and few spoons of longan syrup gently on the top and serve chilled.
*Kindly wait until the mixture is set only you add the topping, unless you don't mind your pudding cracking 😲
To make it clear, I used 'Homesoy' soymilk (original) and 'Swallow Globe' brand (the yellow packaging) agar-agar powder.
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